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HALF TRIATLON PAMPLONA-IRUÑA Half Triathlón Pamplona-Iruña


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VII Half Triathlon Pamplona-Iruña

Mark this date in your calendar: May 20, 2023, and start training. Will you be ready for something like this? Over the next few weeks we will be uploading new information about the race.

The Half Triathlon Pamplona-Iruña organising team is made up of a group of people who are all involved in the sport and are involved in different triathlon clubs. Knowing that triathlons of these characteristics are already being organised all over Spain and that Pamplona, due to its tradition and roots in this sport, could host a similar event, we decided to set it up and make it happen.

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the Half Triathlon Pamplona-Iruña

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